Chris McGreal
Marwan Barghouti, the highest ranking Palestinian on trial in Israel for terrorism, defended the past three years of violent intifada yesterday by warning that if Israel failed to deliver independence to the Palestinians it would have to accept Arabs as equal citizens.
We mourn with greatest sadness the death today of Professor Edward W. Said. We extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Edward Said’s family, and we share our profound sense of loss with the large community that loved him.
Ali Abunimah
Increasingly, Palestinians correctly acknowledge that attacks targeting civilians are a cruel and illegitimate reaction to Israel’s aggression. Yet, while it must be reaffirmed that Palestinian attacks targeting Israeli civilians must stop immediately, one has to forget all of history to believe that these operations are what stand in the way of progress towards a peaceful solution, and are not in fact simply a symptom of the violence and despair of life under endless occupation. Peace, after all, must be made during conflict.
Haim Weiss
Haim Weiss, was once glad to serve in the Israeli army. Like hundreds of other Israeli soldiers, he has become a conscientious objector to the war in the Occupied Territories. Here he tells his government’s Defence Secretary why he will not go to the West Bank.
Nigel Parry
The dilemma in which the Palestinians find themselves is like that of a man who, falsely imprisoned for most of his life and demonised by society, finds himself in a dark room being raped by a highly-decorated prison guard, when… he suddenly notices a rocket launcher lying within his reach. Most of us wouldn’t be quoting Gandhi or Martin Luther King to the prison guard in this situation. We would be grabbing the rocket launcher and making him pay, like 99 percent of the other human beings on this planet.
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