Bruce Kennedy
Isanu Dyson, or Abu Hamza as he is known, is a revert to Islam and has been called the first American Taliban. Long before the press labeled Sulayman (John) Walker the American Taliban, and Yaser Esam Hamdi simply an enemy combatant, Dyson was actively speaking out in defense of the Taliban and what has been incorrectly identified as “radical” Islam. Abu Hamza agreed to this interview to help people understand the mood in the “new” America, how Muslim Americans reconcile religion and allegiance to their country, and to provide a better understanding of the Taliban, a group that continues to be drastically misrepresented in western press.
Tuesday, November 19th, 2002Get free membership of the World Crisis Web, entitling you to post your own views on the articles published here, and to receive email summaries of the best articles on the site, as well as analysis and comment from other key sites.
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