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Israel Slaughters Palestinians Claiming a Right to Defend Itself

Genevieve Cora Fraser
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Dressed in his best

The little boy sat

Upright and proud

Hands folded on his lap



On the cracked

Front step of his home

His mother


To come back in

Curfew, curfew

She cried

Drowned out

By the rumble

And roar of the IDF

Tank thundering

Down the narrow

Balata refugee camp

Rubble strewn street

Certain of death

For defying Mighty Israel

He stared

Straight ahead



Alfawwar camp

Was visited

In the evening

IDF troops in search

Of a wanted man

Instead found


Twenty year-old

Mujahed with an invalid mother


Frightened by sounds

Her son checked

To allay her fears

An Israeli sniper

Shot him in the leg

Bleeding profusely

An ambulance

Called was stopped

Neighbors screamed

Save him


They killed him

With a shot

To the chest

As he attempted to escape

To return to

His dying mother


A major incursion

By Israeli soldiers

Netted a child

Clinically dead

Nine killed

Forty wounded


Like fish in the sea

Troops cast the net

Once caught

Shot bullets

To the head and heart

From Erez crossing

To "Nissanit" settlement

Into Beit Lahia.

The raid spread

To al-Nada Housing project

A serious escalation

The media droned

Naming names

An agonized chant

Of the dead

The main battle

They reported

Now is focused

On ambulances

Allowing time

For the injured

To bleed to death

Aside from being a poet, playwright and journalist, Genevieve Cora Fraser is an environmental and human rights activist of long-standing.

Image of the Palestinian mother courtesy of Artemis Schwebel.
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Israel Slaughters Palestinians Claiming a Right to Defend Itself

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