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Flotillas of Hope

Ernesto Presente
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They sailed for survival, for peace and justice,

They sailed for each other, they put their faith in us,

But you hold them in your gulags, your island cells of shame,

To teach them all a lesson, you hold them in our name.


They sailed across the ocean

A nightmare world afloat

They?re reaching out for freedom

In their Flotillas of Hope


You say you protect our borders, while you propagate your lies

They?re left in hell to wonder, if their hands will be untied.

Will they see the dream they cherished, a future for their sons and daughters

Or will you send them back to perish, an outcast?s death, an untold torture.


They sailed across the ocean

With dignity afloat

They?re reaching out for freedom

In their Flotillas of Hope


So we sail for their survival, for peace and justice

We sail for their freedom, and every one of us.

Release them from your gulags; restore integrity,

We?ll sail to them determined, ?til you release our refugees.


We sail across the ocean

With dignity afloat

We?re reaching out for freedom

In our Flotillas of Hope

Some of the flotilla crew at the Brisbane send-off party
On May 15 2004, a flotilla of boats set sail from Sydney Harbour for the small island nation of Nauru, meeting boats converging from the USA mainland, Hawaii, Colombia and New Zealand, to protest against the ongoing mistreatment of asylum seekers by governments in the region. They were forced into international waters by Nauru customs vessels.
Poem coutesy of Green Left Weekly
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