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Portal to East Jerusalem

Genevieve Cora Fraser
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White sheets blow on apartment roof tops

Billowed sails in the morning sun

Street vendors unload harvest’s bounty

Carts clang along ancient stone

Framed in shadows

Within Jerusalem


Moments drop into infinity’s

Waters the eternal spring

That awakens life


As Iman pray

A call to answer

Sentry posts remain



1,000 Arabs await eviction

1,000 lives dislodged anew

Driven to extremes by Zionist

Planning to obliterate what

Is not themselves

Palestinian homes crushed

By bulldozers


Before the enemy’s


To wreck and cover

Genocidal intentions

To cleanse all that is Arabic

From Jerusalem’s hills



Only they

The Zionist Zealots

And the tourist traps

They seek to build

Are worthy

Tenants of Jerusalem’s


Encased in cement walls

Hatred instilled


And the world


As Christ

Is crucified



Dreaded are

Zionist Zealots

Their Golden Calf


In the sun

As Palestinian lives

Are sacrificed on the altar

Blood drenched

Echoes of the past



Go in peace

As all crumbles

Jerusalem lives

Within you

Is of you



Idolatrous worship

Will undo them


That which Muslims

Call Iman

Is in the heart

Of believers



Allah Knows

You are the Seed of Abraham

From which the nations of the earth

Shall be blessed

In addition to being a poet, playwright and journalist, Genevieve Cora Fraser is an environmental and human rights activist of long-standing.
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