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This page gives you background information about the World Crisis Web, about the reasons why is was started, and a bit about the editor. It also provides a brief guide to the site and how best to use it. Click on the links below that interest you

Who is the editor?

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Who is the editor?

My name is Danny Dayus. In the past I served as Political Secretary to the English and Welsh Green Party's national council. I am a graduate in Philosophy, and a post-graduate in Conflict Studies. I ended my national party-political activity in 1993, and have spent the years since then studying the connections between advanced capitalist civilisation and global conflict and injustice.

Two of my greatest motivations are feelings of guilt and frustration; guilt at having benefited all of my life from the suffering of people that I've never met, and frustration at having to live in a society that can satisfy itself with unnecessary consumer goods and trivial entertainment, while the moral, political, and economic basis for its existence falls into rapid disintegration.

Why the web site, and what's it for?

To answer the first question, at the very least, I believe that the World Crisis Web is better on the net than not, since the information it conveys is crucial to humanity's long-term survival, and should be broadcast to as many people as possible.

Secondly, the very complexity of many of the most comprehensive sites can be off-putting to some. Others are poorly designed, and written in a dry style that bores people to tears, and attract only stuffy academic researchers. Some others aren't too careful about the authenticity or standing of the articles they publish, or the links they sustain.

This site serves as a non-commercial archive of both the latest news on key global issues, written by people from all over the world, and of the best of the many analysis articles online (oh, and some of my own - apologies). Many of the articles are supplemented by images - often original compositions - that either aid comprehension of the text, or complement the subject matter with related ideas that add to its value.

Everything is published in both consistent thematic and chronological format, and is designed to maximise both readability and participation. Readers who register to become members of the World Crisis Web can also add their comments to the news and analysis published here, and these comments are recorded instantaneously alongside each article.

Don't forget that if you like the web site, or an article that you've read, then you can always send a message to a friend or colleague, by clicking on the "e-mail this article..." links found on every article page.

All the material on the site not created by myself is either published first by the World Crisis Web, or is published elsewhere and republished here according to fair use principles in order to better propagate the authors' excellent work and to maintain a copy of it online for future access. All the articles may be subject to copyright, either of the authors' or of the original publishers.

How do I search for news and analysis?

In addition to its primary function as a provider of news, analysis, and information about events, the World Crisis Web publishes material that responds to specific issues. Obviously, this material occasionally changes. What you'll find below, is guidance on the site's permanent features.

On the left-hand side of each page you will see menus of links to all the articles. Each relates to various issue categories, and selecting these categories will take you to all the recent news or analysis connected with each issue. If you are looking for the latest on a specific issue, these are the links you will use.

Below these menus are links to articles inside the archive that are ordered by month. These connect to pages containing a brief introduction to each of the articles published in any particular month, and are useful for people who wish to browse through what's available. If you know what you're looking for, and when it was published, you will want to select the links to headlines by date and/or category, and these are always immediately below the general monthly archive links.

Below the main menus is a simple search form, which you can use to find material for which you are looking. This will do a basic search of the word content of every article. If you specify more than one search term, then each article that contains any one of these search terms will be displayed in the search results. If you want to have more control over the way the search is performed then you can follow the link to the advanced search page.

On the very top right-hand side of each main page is a set of context-sensitive links, either to the login and registration pages for those who may wish to log in or join as members of the World Crisis Web, or to sections exclusively available to logged in members. Only those who register as members of the site can fully benefit from all that the site offers. Membership benefits include as a minimum the ability to make permanently recordable comments relating to specific articles, and the ability to receive updates on the site directly to their email inbox. There are also planse to establish a forum for free discussion by members, and also a separate part of the site for member-created publicly viewable web pages.

Near the bottom left-hand side of each main page is a link for people who wish to use on their own web site the articles published here (read the copyright notice given above). This connects to an automatically updated R.S.S. newsfeed of the last ten articles added.

Finally, in the right or left margins of most main pages you will also find a link to a page where you will be able to contact myself, which you will need to visit in order to let me know about articles that you want the World Crisis Web to cover, or about problems you may be having using the site. You can, of course, send in your views about the site, and any suggestions you might have for improving it.

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A Shameful War: Israel in the Dock

'Exterminate all the Brutes'

Why Israel Won't Survive

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